
Volume 6

*Things I Take for Granted

The Gift the Horses Give Us


The Things You Take For Granted...

I can't.

The ability to walk.

The ability to walk on grass.

The ability to stay centered and balanced against even the most minute of changes in the ground beneath my feet.

There was a time when I couldn't take any of this for granted.

I have been healthy, unhealthy and back again.

I have lost function, regained it... Sometimes only to lose it all over again.

And strangely, the greatest gift I could have ever received as a teacher was the experience of the pain that came with that. Pain that clearly identified individual muscle groups and their activity as I moved throughout the day. An ongoing personal education on which muscles were activated for different movements. Feeling triceps and biceps as arms lifted and turned, feeling hips, back, and shoulders in surprising ways. Every movement an education on muscle activation.  Information that I could use in turn to learn about the differences as you hold the reins in different ways, in the angulation of hips and knees, and so much more when up on our horses.

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