
Volume 6

*I Accept

Accepting the Offer of Becoming Friends


We treat them like meat. As if it is the details that define them, only seeing the outside.  When reality is, they all can walk, trot and canter.  A pony mare can jump three feet from a standstill. I've seen her do it.  Turn them loose in the wild, and more than likely, someone will snap a picture, and all will agree on how beautiful they are, independent of us.

For 99.9% of the use that most of us put our horses to, almost every horse in the world can do what they need them to do.  The perfect confirmation will make no difference to what they create in the end with what they are born with. The perfect conformation won't save them from us and our riding.

And don't you wonder what you sound like when the only thing you look at, is the pieces of muscle and bone that are here?  How you make the horse a thing with no importance given to who they are inside?  What does that make us that we do this?  Horses are not things!  And maybe right now you are saying well, of course, they are not.  I know that. 

Do you? Do you really?

Do your actions portray that reality in your life?

And if it doesn't?  What does that say about us?

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