
Volume 3

Developing a Healthy Qi in the Equine Body


The Challenge to change the way we think.

These are not blocks.. not restrictions.. instead what happens if we change our perspective to think activation instead.

"To maintain pain-free, optimal health, chi or energy should circulate throughout your entire body, without disruption, in a smooth, powerful fashion.

The classic Chinese medical phrase is teng jr bu tong. If the circulation of your chi is blocked (bu tong), you have pain and disease (teng). Conversely, if your chi or life force energy in your acupuncture meridian lines if fully connected and circulating without blockages (tong), you have neither pain nor disease (bu tong) – tong jr bu teng.

Making your chi tong is the most basic goal of Chinese medicine and most apparent with tai chi, qigong and acupuncture. Balancing out and connecting your chi so that it has no blockages"

This definition of chi could have been written for the key concepts behind Kjrsos.


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