The Purple Pony EQ, presenting horsemanship from the horse’s perspective.
Hi there! My name is the Purple Pony! Some call me EQ. EQ is kind of like IQ but of the Equine variety.
I overheard one rider talking to a friend in the alleyway while I was munching on some dry yet tasty hay. You know few truly appreciate the complex scent of a fine hay. Lighter floral and fruity scents rise to the top while deeper, richer aromas can be found toward the bottom. Ahh.. Although a little more alfalfa ratio in the mix would make for a more robust flavour. Oops, forgive me I get so distracted when I start talking about the different qualities of a good hay mixture. Anyways I was telling you about this conversation I overheard.
“ I am just really upset. I took my horse Jeff down for another lesson this past weekend. I mean it is not like he hasn’t been down there before, right? And they had this new clock on the wall, and the silly goof kept spooking at it! I mean it is really frustrating - I mean he was the only horse there that did that. And the week before my other horse Danny kept spooking when I took him to the clinic.
The instructor couldn’t help but point out there was one common denominator. And that was me! I couldn’t help but agree. So, what am I doing wrong!”
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