KJRSOS Field of study

What Happens Next 
On Us

The Steps we Have to take to create The who the Horses are waiting for. 

The who we are - changing/determing what each of us can experience Next.



KJRSOS - An Opportunity for a New Beginning 

Making the possibility of the experience of what comes next different then the time before. Creating the possibility that what happens next is astonishing, magical, rewarding.

I can't own what I know.
I can only own who I am.


First Meetings...

The challenge is realizing that we can have the first meeting all over again and this time it will be different. 

Kjrsos the Teacher

Kjrsos Is...

The Next Evolution of Us - 
Which is what our journey with our horses has always been
We just didn't always realize that

Getting Ready to Meet the Horses, 
Life, once again.  





Taking responsibility for the next version of us. Removing the limitations that affect more than just us. Allowing us to discover our own possibilities and how now the horses can find theirs as well.

First we have to be willing to be the ones to change.


Kjrsos Is...

The possibility that the experience of what comes next, different then the time before.

Kjrsos Is...

Helping you find the pieces that you need so that you can have a brand new beginning. A brand new experience.  The experience you always dreamed of.

Kjrsos Is...

Seeing the magic that lies in the horse, the magic in what is possible when we bring human and horse together.

Seeing the purpose, seeing the intelligence that life has to offer.

are you ready to Discover

What We Need Inside of Us

So that we can have a completely different relationship, a completely different experience.

Are you ready to discover what we need to change to change everything that comes afterwards. 

Discover the missing pieces of what was once an integral part of us.  From a time when our ceiling was the sky, the grass our floor, and there were no walls to block the feel of the breeze on our skin.  When the connections between ran deep and connections and awareness were a part of us.

Kjrsos Classes 

The first study of the THIRD BEGINNING. An introduction that begins with the study of THE NEXT EVOLUTION OF US. Where we start with discovering how and when we got off track on taking responsibility for our own evolution.

We look for the pieces that we are missing. Discovering how to clear our thoughts, our hearts, in CLEARING US. To ensure we are free to see what is here to see. So that we are not blinded by what has us stuck. Ready to take responsibility for the next version of us.

First we have to be willing to do the work, understanding the importance of finding the who we were born with the possibility of becoming.


Kjrsos fIELD OF stUDY

The Next Evolution of Us Courses

  • Our Own Evolution
  • The First Meeting
  • In This Time
  • We Start In the Quiet
  • Clearing Us
  • The Power of Non-Existence



Course Prerequisite:


The first book of the horses.

The Experience of SO THAT WE CAN SEE a preparation to get us ready for what is here. Getting us ready for our next evolution. The Third Beginning

Our choice if we pick up their challenge. And if we can find the answers... you will never be able to look at horses or your life the same way again.

The Second Beginning preparing us for the THIRD


 KJRSOS course

Our Own

WHen The most Important lesson is discovering Who you are Matters 

A journey In discoverIng How to begin our own evolution, A next level of awareness and Consciousness.
 KJRSOS course

The First Meeting

When we discover how to start again, 

How to reintroduce ourselves and How that changes things.
 KJRSOS course

In This 

Where we learn to live where they live
 KJRSOS course

We Start 
In The

This is the beginning.

This is where we start

Removing the Limitation that is us 

Knowing we can't see until we discover the gift of the quiet because that is where awareness lives.

The challenge given to us in the Book of the horses ~
So that we can see



Kjrsos is... a word.

Thousands of years before... 

before the word horse ⋅ cheval ⋅ pferd ⋅ cavallo ⋅ Кінь ⋅ caballo ⋅ ceffyl ⋅ лошадь ⋅ Koń ⋅ häst ⋅ Paardrijden ⋅ cavalo ⋅ equus ....  came into existence - first,

First came the word Kjrsos

Kjrsos Pronunciation


"If the work is not joyful & transformative... you've missed the lesson of the horse"

You've missed the lesson of life.