Kjrsos Field of Study

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

The Study of Healthy Movement 
Kjrsos Courses


The Next Evolution of Us   >>

We started by working on ourselves first.  Making sure we were ready to both help and hear the conscious horse.

  Kjrsos Courses

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

Why This Works

Why is this important and why do we start here?

Everything that follows from the health of the horse, to understanding what movement is true to the horse, even to communication has to start with truly understanding what is healthy movement of the horse uninfluenced by us.  What is true to him.  

If we don't have this base to start with there is no way to know if anything that follows is true and healthy for the horse.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

The Inspiration of the Wild Horse

We have an incredible resource available to us that we should never underestimate.  

We need to value this incomparable resource that every single equestrian can benefit from.  Especially if we put healthy movement first in all of our dealings with our horses.  The wild herd uncompromised, with an endless variety of terrain to challenge the equine body shows what healthy is. A body uncompromised by our mistakes.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

The Delicate Intricacies of the Walk

The walk is the most complicated of all the gaits having both a diagonal and a lateral component. 

Because of the intricacies of the walk, it can be the one that is most difficult to have a full and complete understanding of.  

But it is the one that is perhaps most important to understand so that we can fully utilize it as a gait of healing.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

The Horse's Living Back

There is so much happening here at any given point in time and yet this is an area that we don't spend enough time observing so that we can understand how to allow the horse the access he needs to his own back.  

A fully mobile back is the sign of a truly healthy horse.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

Trot The Gait of Impulsion

The trot is a glorious gait one that has so many possibilities.  

All of these possibilities make this the wonderful gait THE GAIT OF TRAINING. Different from the rest because the trot is a gait of impulsion.  Very different from the walk.

A gait of impulsion because we find freedom from the earth.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

The Possibilities Found in the Horse's Neck

The shape, the position determining the freedom of movement found by the horse throughout his body in shoulders and haunches and beyond.  

Something we also need to remember that the neck is an extension of the spine itself.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

The Haunches

The haunches are the powerhouse of the horse.  

Understanding how to access and activate here is the base upon which everything stands. 

Part of this is understanding joints and what we sometimes miss.  The range of movement available here that creates the power that we need.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

The Stifle Joint

With this knowledge, we can be encouraged to be more demanding on ourselves and our horses to access one of the most important joints that is almost always overlooked.  Yet it is the ability to access the stifle joint that gives us control of the rest.  It turns out it is the answer to most of what we are looking for.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

Understanding Equine Bend

The complicated subject of bend is probably the most intense and most complex of any and all subjects of anything that has to do physically with the horse. A subject that you will need to study for the rest of your life.  The importance of this subject cannot be overstated.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse

Understanding Proprioception and Balance

Proprioception the ability of the body to make minute adjustments to bring the body back into balance. Something that because it is so minute is so easy to miss, so easy to limit.  We need to find ways to check that we don't limit the horse's ability to make these minute adjustments as needed.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the Horse


Discovering where the horse finds balance.  Where equilibrium lives in his body without the rider.

æquus means Equal and libra means Balance

So Aequus Libra or æquilibrium means to be in Equal Balance

Balance could and perhaps should be the defining essence of the horse.

Class Subscription

Our aim to be a voice of the horse, and help others discover how they can be amazing teachers.

The Study of Healthy Movement of the  Horse