The Kjrsos Awak​ening  

 The word horse from an ancient language

Pronunciation 'Kearrsos'

Kjrsos ~ Your Transformation
Found In Awareness & Connection

Healing & Empowering Us,
Our Horses and Our World

The Magazine, The Book, The Classes

A Place of Discovery​ Created Just For You
If You Love to Learn, If You Would Love to Become an Incredible Guide or Teacher
You are in the Right Place

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Coaches & Course Creators 

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Kjrsos Is...

Through the Study of Connection and Awareness

Discovering how they can help us see what we couldn't see before.  
Shattering through our biases & misconceptions.
Opening us up for a completely different ​experience.
Opening up what we can do for others
Changing future possibilities.

Kjrsos Teaching Awareness

The sun is powerful but no more aware of us and the earth than a rock is aware of being soaked by freezing rain. But those that are alive are aware. Making awareness the definition of life.  

No other way to know what is food or when we are in a hostile environment and we need to get out of there. Sorting the universe in two distinct groups. Those that are aware and those that don't have that gift.

Awareness defining who and what we are and what we are capable of creating.  Helping us create our own awakening.

So perhaps it shouldn't surprise us when we discover that awareness is always the answer we are looking for. Independent of the question asked.

The sharing of Awareness is  how we become an extraordinary teacher, mentor or guide.   

Your current level of awareness preparation for a higher level of awareness, a higher level of consciousness.  Some would call it your Awakening.

Awareness the first step in learning, discovering, living.
Awareness. The most important thing we can ever learn. Awareness what we need to fulfill our own possibilities.  Our own destinies.

Awareness is everything, not just about riding. Which is why Awareness is what we study here at Kjrsos. Awareness preparation for, and a part of our Awakening. 

And the horses are exceptional at helping us find awareness.  If we just know how to help them do that for us. Awareness found at every level physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  

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Kjrsos is... a word.

Thousands of years before... 

before the word horse ⋅ cheval ⋅ pferd ⋅ cavallo ⋅ Кінь ⋅ caballo ⋅ ceffyl ⋅ лошадь ⋅ Koń ⋅ häst ⋅ Paardrijden ⋅ cavalo ⋅ equus ....  came into existence - first,

First came the word Kjrsos

Kjrsos Pronunciation 'Kearsos'


"If the work is not joyful & transformative... you've missed the lesson of the horse"

You've missed the lesson of life.